Possibilities of computer technology in a physical education

The possibilities of computer technology in a physical education class
Recently, on the pages of periodical scientific-methodical publications, we have been meeting the concept – the technology of education in the pedagogical workshop. What is the difference between the technology of teaching and the simple method of conducting a lesson?
The technology suggests
- Rational organization of students’ activities and their equipment.
- Determining the sequence of training operations that allow to get the result at the lowest cost.
- Consolidation of actions.
Thus, technology is a way of organizing the pedagogical process by means of intelligently prepared tools (plan, textbook, program, series of exercises).
In determining the technological process in each lesson, the teacher should be guided by the goals he or she sets for himself or herself and the students in the study of a particular topic, the prediction of the final result and the specific pedagogical situation in the classroom.
Study process technology should be aimed at solving learning, development and upbringing problems.
Computer in gym class?
When you first hear the phrase “computer in PE lesson”, many people get confused and ask: is it compatible? After all, physical education is first of all a movement.
It is much harder to use computer technology when all students move, run and jump. This, of course, imposes serious restrictions on its use in physical education classes. Therefore, at first, information technologies in the field of physical education were used without direct involvement of students.
When developing the technology of using a computer in a physical education lesson, it is necessary to be guided by the following principle: computers in education should be used only when they provide knowledge and skills that are impossible or difficult to formulate using traditional technologies.
First of all, it is worth mentioning that the computer-assisted instruction shifts methodical accents: for a teacher the first place is given to the problem – not how to tell the lesson material, but how to show it.
Lesson planning is different, too. Special attention should be paid to:
- Presentation in a convenient form of a visual demonstration of the motor action;
- Formation of a correct representation of the motor action.
The computer control of knowledge has a number of advantages in comparison with the traditional one:
- Individual approach;
- Increasing the objectivity of assessment;
- A detailed picture of successes and mistakes is visible.
The forms of control are self-control, mutual control, creative application of acquired knowledge in practice.
As a homework each student can get a set of elements of motor action (running, jumping, etc.), from which he should make up the whole sports compositions on the basis of the studied material.

So the computer
- PE lessons provide an opportunity to organize the passage of theoretical material in an accessible and visual form.
- During extra-curricular activities: sports quizzes, contests, games, etc.
- When preparing for the evaluation test, independent work with information.
- When working with students who have a special medical group on health.
Can the computer teach you?
Nowadays, visual aids, illustrative materials on posters, movies, which used to be centrally delivered to schools, have become useless for the majority of teachers from old age, and some schools do not have any similar visual materials on our subject, and no new ones are being created.
Therefore, in order to compensate for this gap, we create a visual teaching material independently. The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting the material: the use of color, graphics, animation, sound – to recreate the real environment of activity.
At the primary school the basics of motor skills (basketball throw, volleyball striker, low start in track and field athletics, ski moves, etc.) are laid down, which are in demand throughout the school.
The main thing at this stage – mastering the basic technique of the studied motor activities. It begins with the creation of a general idea of the motor action through demonstration, explanation and practical testing.
The display should be clear, with an explanation of the main elements. In order to master the motor actions, it is necessary to create the correct idea of the motor action technique from the very beginning.
Application of the computer is possible at all stages of the lesson.
When learning new material, the teacher coordinates, directs, directs and organizes the learning process, and the material itself “explains” the computer instead. With the help of video, sound and text, the pupil gets an idea about the studied motor action, learns to model the sequence of movements (collects a puzzle on the computer), which makes the lesson more informative and exciting.
At the stage of consolidation of knowledge the computer allows to solve the problem of traditional lesson – the individual account of knowledge, and also promotes correction of the received skills and abilities in each concrete case.
At the stage of repetition in the computer version of the students solve various problem situations. As a result, all students are included in the thinking activity.
Thus, computer technologies induce students to be interested, to activate cognitive activity, to deepen inter subject relations. For example:
Integrated lesson of physical culture and physics “Know Yourself”
The purpose of the lesson is to show the interrelation of physical culture and physics; to be able to use the acquired knowledge and skills in physics lessons to understand the biophysical functions of the organism; to use them for one’s physical development and health preservation.
The presentation consists of illustrative material, factual information in the form of simple text, tables, charts, graphs, practical exercises, tests, etc. The ready-made presentation can be easily modified to suit different variants. You can add or skip slides, fill them with other content, etc.